Quarterly Review 3 2020 Digital Design

Have you ever explained to a teenager, what an LP was? Or how this music-storing technology was then ended by the cassette tape? Or how the cassette was then replaced by the CD? Or the year that Sony released the Walkman, and suddenly everyone had a big plastic circular thing strapped to them when they went for a run? Then the Mini-Disc came along, halving the weight and size?…………..

Quarterly Review 1 2020 Modern Methods of Construction

Quarterly Review 1 (2020) Modern Methods of Construction It is now widely recognised that, in the last decades, the construction industry has failed to achieve a technological evolution in line with most if the other manufacturing industries. This has led to a significant shrinkage in efficiency and profitability that is straining the construction industry and [...]

Quarterly Review 5 (2019) Aviation

Quarterly Review 4 (2018) Tall Buildings The global volume of airline travel is expected to almost double in the next 20 years – from 3.8 billion in 2016 to an estimated 7.2 billion in 2035. There are many reasons why aviation will remain one of our most dynamic industries. For starters, apps like Skype or [...]

Quarterly Review 4 (2018) Tall Buildings

Quarterly Review 4 (2018) Tall Buildings From the time of the earliest civilizations, there has been the desire to build the biggest, the tallest of structures. Visions of grandeur, be they in the eyes of kings or corporate giants, have inspired not only architects but also the engineers charged with realizing those visions. “When Robert [...]