Grant embarked on his journey with Robert Bird Group (RBG) in 1986 as a graduate engineer, laying the foundation for a career marked by continuous growth and achievement. Throughout his tenure, Grant has not only deepened his expertise in engineering but has also cultivated strong capabilities in project management, leadership, and client relations. This multifaceted skill set has propelled Grant into key leadership positions within the company, including roles such as Managing Director of Australian Operations, Deputy Chairman, and Director on the Board.
In the realm of engineering, Grant brings to the table extensive knowledge and experience in structural steelwork, reinforced and pre-stressed concrete design. His adeptness in these areas has enabled him to develop innovative and cost-effective solutions for complex projects, earning recognition both within RBG and among clients.
Building upon his formidable blend of business development and technical acumen, Grant has now assumed a global role as Joint Opportunities Managing Director. In this capacity, he not only focuses on RBG clients and projects but also spearheads efforts to coordinate joint opportunities with the Surbana Jurong ANZ portfolio of brands. This strategic move underscores Grant’s capacity to leverage his expertise on a broader scale, driving growth and collaboration across organisational boundaries.