Civil Engineering
Our civil engineers provide engineering design services from master-planning and concept phases, through to detailed design and construction phases – with the potential to provide ongoing operational and maintenance advice for the life of a project. We offer a wide range of civil engineering services for buildings, infrastructure and master-planned projects.
Civil Engineering services can be offered separately or in conjunction with our other services, particularly Geotechnical Engineering, Construction Engineering, Structural Engineering and Visualisation.
Our understanding of highly constrained sites in urban environments is critical to the development of cost-effective road access and pavement design solutions, including compliance with statutory authorities. Our team is skilled in the development of road geometry and pavement design, turning-circle coordination, and the interfaces between roads and buildings or landscaping. This includes coordinating design solutions with construction logistics across large, master-planned sites, including phased utility demand and segregated construction, and public access such as Battersea Power Station’s site-wide roads.
We are also experts in the design and specification of temporary roads and pavements, including access roads, piling mats, crane outrigger subgrade preparation, and the like.
Both simple and complex sites can become prone to risk of flooding during and after major storm events – our team has the capability to assess, model, analyse and strategise solutions to manage risks from flooding, and even convert that risk into water management opportunity where possible. We are recognised as experts in water-sensitive urban design (“Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems” in the UK), which assists urban developments to mitigate the risk of flooding, and manage the future effects of climate change. This approach includes rainwater harvesting, infiltration, detention and attenuation to meet statutory and environmental code requirements.
Optimising or eliminating the import-export of earthworks material minimises waste, cost, time and carbon emissions. We provide cut-and-fill analysis and optimisation, so that projects save time and money, and the planet. Civil and geotechnical engineering combine to analyse the soil properties for evaluating material type for re-use, disposal or treatment. This provides a detailed model for creating a landform optimised for the most beneficial cost and environmental solution. Phased development of master-plans requires greater consideration of how material can be re-used without multiple handling or restricting works in future phases.
We are often responsible for the coordination of all in-ground utilities as part of our civil engineering services scopes. We pull design information from other utility consultants into our 3D and 4D modelling environments, to ensure that the phased installation and completion of utilities works, earthworks, pavements, drainage and landscaping is logical, deliverable, and will minimise time and cost outcomes for our clients.