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Paddington Crossrail

RBG provided construction engineering services for the new Crossrail station at Paddington. RBG developed several bespoke temporary works items to support the intricate construction scheme.

DfMA Props

This station was built partially top down and RBG carried out the Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) of permanent pre-cast concrete props (9m x 1m dia). The props needed to be installed at formation level prior to excavation and the key design challenge was creating a bolted connection at one end which allowed good adjustability at the far end. RBG fully designed and detailed the RC props and the end connections which were critical to successful installation and coordination with follow-on wall cladding panels.

Tower crane grillages

RBG worked for the concrete frame contractor to design tower crane grillages to span over the box excavation, and then for the main contractor to adapt and extend the grillages for continued use on the project. The follow on adaptation required extensive use of innovative bespoke friction connections in to already constructed walls. All connections were designed to be adaptable to the as built reinforcement as the layout became known.

Underslung gantry cranes

RBG designed a series of underslung gantry cranes fixed both to the underside of the ground floor slab, and to the temporary plunge columns supporting that slab.

Project Metrics

Construction Value:

No Data

Year Completed:


Environmental Performance:

No Data



RBG Client:


End Client:



No Data

Main Contractor:

No Data

RBG Services:

Construction Engineering