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Tax Strategy (UK)

This document, approved by the board of Robert Bird & Partners Limited (‘RBP’ herein), sets out RBP’s approach to conducting its tax affairs and dealing with tax risks.

RBP is committed to:

  • Following all applicable laws and regulations relating to its tax activities.
  • Maintaining an open and honest relationship with the tax authorities based on collaboration and integrity.
  • Ensuring that the tax strategy adopted is consistent with the RBP’s overall strategy
  • Applying diligence and care in our management of tax risks and ensuring that our tax governance is appropriate.


RBP is committed to conduct its tax affairs to comply with all relevant laws, rules and regulations and reporting and disclosure requirements. The company’s tax affairs are managed in a way which takes into account RBP’s wider reputation and standards of governance.

Risk management

When reviewing the tax risks associated with a specific decision or action, RBP ensures that the following are considered:

  • The legal and fiduciary duties of directors and employees.
  • The requirements of any related internal policies or procedures.
  • The maintenance of RBP’s corporate reputation, having regard to the way we interact with the communities around us.

Tax planning

RBP’s tax planning is driven by the commercial needs of the business and anticipated future developments.

The commercial needs of the business will in no circumstances override compliance with all applicable laws and regulation. In cases where the tax guidance is unclear or RBP does not feel it has the necessary expert knowledge to assess the tax consequences adequately, external advice may be sought to support RBP’s decision-making process.

Approach towards dealings with HMRC

RBP is committed to the principles of openness and transparency in its approach to dealing with HMRC, and commits to:

  • Adopt open and collaborative professional relationships at all times with HMRC.
  • Engage in full, open and early dialogue with HMRC to discuss tax planning, strategy, risks and significant transactions.
  • Make fair, accurate and timely disclosure in correspondence and returns, and respond to queries and information requests in a timely fashion.