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Channel Tunnel Rail Link

The CTRL Plant Room and Thameslink East Central Concourse are situated below the Midland Main Line platforms at St Pancras Station. The completion date for these platforms formed a crucial milestone in the works programme. RBG were asked to review the construction sequence for the Plant Room and the East Concourse areas.

RBG proposed bringing forward the platform construction in the existing top down sequence for the CTRL Plant Room and converting the East Central Concourse from bottom to top down construction. This enabled the main line platform to be completed above while below ground construction continued.

Having carried out feasibility studies and gained acceptance from the contractor and overall designer, RBG carried out full detailed redesign of the affected elements of temporary works. RBG overcame many constraints including operating rail, road and major utility infrastructure in close proximity. In particular, special care was required to avoid disruption to the Fleet Relief sewer, which ran through the northern end of the site. Design completion and signoff by RLE were achieved within a very tight timescale.

The revised construction sequence successfully delivered handover of the Western Deck extension to Midland Main Line three months earlier than would otherwise have been possible, allowing a key project milestone to be met.

Project Metrics

Project Value:


Year Completed:

No Data

Project Metrics:

No Data

Environmental Performance:

No Data



RBG Client:


End Client:



No Data

Main Contractor:

No Data

RBG Services:

Structural Engineering