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Crows Nest Station
Located in the heart of Crows Nest, the future underground Crows Nest Station forms part of the City and Southwest Metro rail infrastructure.
RBG teamed up with SMEC, Woods Bagot, NDY and Surface Design to form the Crows Nest Design Consortium (CNDC) to think of an innovative way to deliver the station with a value-adding oversite development while de-risking the handover of the station platform and rail corridor to Sydney Metro for train commissioning. The station has been designed to support a 17-storey residential and 27-storey commercial building above with entries on both the Pacific Highway and Hume Street.
During the tender, RBG’s innovative holistic project concept approach completely changed the oversite development offering and removed over 7 months from the construction programme. Using our construction engineering and visualisation capabilities we were able to clearly demonstrate our vision to Sydney Metro, allowing the CNDC to become the stage 2 and 3 designers for the development.
RBG is responsible for all structural, construction engineering and civil station interface works. The station was the first of all city stations to receive NAC approval. Construction began in 2017 and is expected to be completed in 2024.

Project Metrics

Project Value:


Year Completed:

Due 2024

Project Metrics:

No Data

Environmental Performance:

No Data


Commercial, Rail

RBG Client:

Sydney Metro via SMEC

End Client:

Sydney Metro via SMEC


Woods Bagot

Main Contractor:

No Data

RBG Services:

Construction Engineering, Structural Engineering