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Mayfair Park Residences

This project comprised the demolition of a five storey building, retention of the grade II listed façade and construction of a new eight storey building with four new basement levels to provide high specification residential units. The new building will be a reinforced concrete frame with a 225mm deep post tensioned floor slabs to maximise the floor to ceiling heights that can be achieved within the constraints of the original façade.

The building is located within the Mayfair Conservation Area in Central London immediately east of Hyde Park. The site was originally developed circa 1760 and comprised of five storey terraced town houses with a single basement. The site was redeveloped in 1971 as a steel framed building with the original north facades of 5 and 6, fronting Stanhope Gate, retained and incorporated into the development. 4 Stanhope Gate is understood to have been damaged beyond repair during WWII and subsequently demolished and rebuilt. 5 and 6 Stanhope Gate were Grade II listed in 1987.

Key technical challenges

The footprint of the proposed basements extend below the existing north facades so temporary lateral and vertical retention will be provided until the superstructure is completed and is able to provide the required retention to the façade.

The Retained Façade

The façade consists of two distinct façades, 5 Stanhope Gate and 6 Stanhope Gate.

5 Stanhope Gate was originally built as a terraced town house circa 1760 and refaced and increased in height circa 1900-10. The external finish is in Portland Stone, the façade is 4 windows wide with an entrance and portico – porch of coupled iconic columns. Balconies at first floor have cast iron railings. A commemorative plaque notes the property as residence of Fitzroy Somerset (1788-1855), Commander during the Crimean War.

6 Stanhope Gate was also built as a terraced town house circa 1760 with some Edwardian alterations. The façade is constructed in brown brick with a Portland Stone facing at ground floor. The façade is 4 windows wide and the entrance is an enclosed stone porch with arched entrance. A stone cornice is located above the second floor. The first floor balcony has stone balustrades and the ground floor has cast iron railings.

Project Metrics

Construction Value:

£65 million GBP

Year Completed:


Environmental Performance:

No Data


Residential & Retirement

RBG Client:

Four Leaf Ltd.

End Client:

Four Leaf Ltd.


PLP Architecture

Main Contractor:

No Data

RBG Services:

Civil Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering