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Pyrmont Bridge Structural Restoration – Work Package 1a

Pyrmont Bridge is a major thoroughfare for pedestrians and cyclists between the areas of Pyrmont and Glebe and the city centre. It was designed by the famous Australian engineer Percy Allan and opened in 1902. Pyrmont Bridge is currently in variable condition with deterioration to the structural fabric which needs to be stopped and reversed. The overall objective of this project is to restore Pyrmont Bridge so that the deck can safely accommodate a pedestrian loading of 5 kPa or vehicular equivalent and that the protective treatments of the bridge are implemented in a manner to give maximum life, subject to ongoing inspection and maintenance. The restoration of the Pyrmont Bridge will be undertaken in a number of stages.

Key technical challenges

The scope of this Work Package 1a is to restore the timber Pier Sets. Specifically, this comprises the following works:

  • Restore damaged and deteriorated walkways beneath the bridge
  • Remove and dispose of two steel access gantries and aluminium swing stages
  • Replace all Condition State 3 & 4 elements in each Pier Set
  • Remove localised rot and preservative treat new and retained members
  • Apply protective coatings in heritage approved livery to all timber and steel elements in each pier on completion of repair works.

Robert Bird Group’s involvement

  • Structural Modelling of Piers to understand load distribution of pier elements.
  • Design & Certification of Temporary Works required to ensure Stability of Bridge during structural member replacement.
  • Certification of De-Loading Works
  • Design and Certification of Mono-Prop System
  • Site Inspections as required for temporary works and de-loading works.
  • High-Level Peer Review of Advisian Lateral Movement Report to understand implications (if any) on temporary works elements.

Project Metrics

Construction Value:

£565 million GBP

Year Completed:


Environmental Performance:

No Data


Roads & Highways

RBG Client:

Waterway Construtctions Pty Ltd

End Client:

Waterway Construtctions Pty Ltd


Wilkinson Eyre

Main Contractor:

No Data

RBG Services:

Construction Engineering