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Sheraton Hotel

Sheraton Hotel (27 Little Collins Street), is a 32-storey mixed use development at the busy end of the Melbourne CBD. It comprises 142 residential apartments and a further 44 luxury residences and penthouses in the top six floors of the tower, a new 5-star international brand hotel with approximately 175 guest rooms and suites, and three levels of basement car parking.

The 32-storey tower has been designed to create an iconic predominately glazed sculptural form of highest quality architectural design on Melbourne skyline. The residences and penthouse showcase the ultimate standards of interior design, with distinctive areas of timber and marble floors and generous living bathroom/balcony spaces.

Key technical challenges

During design and construction of the project RBG design team faced and successfully resolved the following technical challenges:

  • Retention system against existing 13-storey bricks “Coats’ building at the southern side of construction site presented a technical challenge due to presence of existing underpipping structure against the “Coates” building.
  • Top-down construction using temporary concrete piles in locations different to permanent columns. Temporarily piles were removed after installation of permanent columns.
  • Builder’s request to use metal trays as formwork for typical tower floors designed as flat plates presented a major technical challenge. It was overcome by combining metal trays with conventional formwork.
  • Forming up and constructing 3.5 meters long cantilevers on levels 26 to 31 protruding above the lower levels on both northern and southern side of the building presented a major construction challenge.

Project Metrics

Construction Value:

No Data

Year Completed:


Environmental Performance:

No Data


Commercial, Hotels & Resorts

RBG Client:

Golden Age Development Group

End Client:

Golden Age Development Group


The Buchan Group

Main Contractor:

Equiset Construction

RBG Services:

Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering, Structural Engineering