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Skyline Apartments

At 48 levels on a constrained site, Skyline occupies one of the last prime multi-storey river side development plots in Brisbane.

Project Features

  • Four basement levels with underpinning to two sides of the site and highly variable subsurface conditions.
  • Post tensioned transfers (1,450mm thick) were required at level 1 to transition the tower column and wall design into the basements.
  • An efficient partially tensioned flat plate floor system was used to achieve the thinnest floors possible.
  • Designed to accommodate a whole-of-floor jump system whereby all vertical elements were jumped ahead of the floor system.
  • Lateral system for the towers utilised the internal stair and lift cores and selected party walls which transition through the height of the tower to maximise structural efficiencies.

Project Metrics

Construction Value:


Year Completed:


Environmental Performance:

No Data


Residential & Retirement

RBG Client:

Ariadne Property and Seymour Group

End Client:

Ariadne Property and Seymour Group


Nettleton Tribe

Main Contractor:


RBG Services:

Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering, Structural Engineering