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Sultan Qaboos Hospital

Project Description

Oman Hospitals Project comprises of 3 Ministry of Health (MOH) hospitals in Oman where RBG were engaged by the Contractor to review, identify the rationalisation opportunities, and subsequent value engineer the current design.
This project was specific to the hospital located in Salalah, Oman. The hospital is reinforced concrete-framed structures with steel canopies. The Ministry of Health in Oman is developing the hospital projects through a PPP delivery model. The project commenced three years ago with a contractor/ design team who are no longer working on the project. RBG and SJ were approached by Al Tasnim Enterprises for the MOH Hospital Project to finalise the final stage of the design and assist in Construction. The project details are noted below:


Sultan Qaboos Hospital

  • Overall Plot area = 43.65 hectares
  • Site area = 100,000 m2
  • No. of beds = 700
  • No. of floors = 6 levels

The project’s extent of work comprises of accident and emergency unit, a medical imaging unit, a rehabilitation unit, and a chemotherapy unit, in addition to a dialysis unit, burns and orthodontics, day clinics, and care units (children’s care – adult intensive care – stroke care – middle school), in addition to operating rooms, delivery rooms, a private ward, a VIP ward and a nuclear medicine unit. Additionally the project will include 4 surgical suites, 4 paediatric suites, 4 internal medicine suites, 4 obstetrics and gynaecology suites, and 16 beds in the intensive and intermediate care unit and 31 beds in the adult intensive care unit, 15 beds in the paediatric intensive care unit, 38 beds in the neonatal and premature infants’ intensive care unit, 12 beds in the burn unit, 32 beds in the day care unit, and 32 beds in the unit Kidney dialysis, and it will include an annex consisting of a lecture hall that can accommodate 250 people, a health education department, in addition to equipment departments, medical devices, warehouses, pathology laboratories, and a central sterilization unit.


Project Scope of Services

Civil Engineering

  • RBG were engaged to explore the rationalisation of the external civil works packages on the Khasab hospital by reviewing the original Mott McDonald design and identifying any opportunities for optimisation of the original design.
  • RBG had identified value engineering opportunities for the external civil works specific to Pavement design, Stormwater network and Foul water network design external to the building footprint and carried out value engineering services for these external civil works designs.
  • The civil works package included Civil Basis of Design report, Civil Design report, Design drawings and specification document for the rationalized scope items.
  • RBG’s scope would involve the following stages:
  1. Design review and identification of design rationalisation opportunities
  2. Schematic Design stage and documentation of rationalised civil design
  3. Detailed Design stage
  4. Issued for Construction stage.


Added Value

  • The quantity of material required for the pavement build-up layers were reduced with the rationalization of the pavement design.
  • The number of chambers and pipe details such as length, diameter and depth of trench excavation were rationalized for the Stormwater and Foul water network systems.

Project Metrics

Construction Value:

No Data

Year Completed:


Environmental Performance:

No Data


Health & Aged Care

RBG Client:

No Data

End Client:

No Data


Keppie/ HKS

Main Contractor:

No Data

RBG Services:

Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering