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Sydney International Airport Car Park

At 310 meters tall, the iconic Renzo Piano design redefines London’s skyline, with 87-storeys above ground and three below. RBG proposed and developed an alternative construction method (for frame contractor, Byrne Bros) which saved over four months on the programme and significantly reduced risk to the head client, Sellar Properties.

The jump-start core method supported the core with plunge columns while the basement and core foundations were simultaneously constructed below. This established tandem work fronts thereby minimizing the risk of delays in basement construction and allowing the superstructure to proceed significantly earlier than the original construction programme had anticipated.

Features Include:

  • Long-span post-tensioned concrete banded floor plates in co-ordination with D&C contractor.
  • Concrete moment frame used to resist lateral horizontal loads, minimizing the requirement for shear walls.
  • Efficient deep-pile system to rock level.
  • A perimeter crash barrier design using tensioned stainless-steel cables anchored into concrete columns, developed in conjunction with the builder and Bifen (specialists).
  • Internal two-lane circulation ramp with continuous grade, eliminating transition zones at each level.
  • Connection of 60m cable stayed bridge to connect frame using concrete nodes, in addition to post-tensioned beams transferring permanent loads to internal steel bracing.
  • Increased capacity of columns, walls, piles and lateral frame to allow future expansion to 12 levels.

Project Metrics

Construction Value:

$60 million

Year Completed:


Environmental Performance:

No Data


Aviation, Roads & Highways

RBG Client:


End Client:



Design Inc.

Main Contractor:

No Data

RBG Services:

Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering