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Trafalgar Place

Trafalgar Place is the first phase of Lendlease’s Elephant Park regeneration project.  The project encompasses the former Heygate Estate. This world-class environmental urban development will deliver in excess of 2,500 new homes, designed for a low-carbon society. The proposed development comprises eight buildings and provides 235 new residential apartments and townhouses in a mixture of market and affordable housing.

Structural Features

There is a high emphasis on environmental and sustainability aspects.  The structural form is predominantly reinforced concrete flat-slab construction, but also includes two buildings constructed in cross-laminated timber (CLT). CLT provides a low-carbon structural solution and an improved quality of occupied space. Following the successful use of CLT on this project, it is intended to use CLT extensively across future phases of the development.

Project Metrics

Construction Value:

£55 million Part of the £1.5 billion regeneration of Elephant & Castle

Year Completed:


Environmental Performance:

No Data


Residential & Retirement

RBG Client:


End Client:




Main Contractor:


RBG Services:

Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering